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Los Angeles Harbor College


At a Glance

School type

Public, 2-year

School Size & Setting

Large | Urban

Students-to-Faculty Ratio


Religious affliation

Not applicable

Mission Statement

Los Angeles Harbor College fosters learning through comprehensive programs that meet the educational needs of the community as measured by student success, personal and institutional accountability, and integrity.

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cost & financial aid

Annual tuition & fees


In state


Out of state


In state

No information

Out of state

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Financial Aid: Undergraduates

Received financial aid
Type of aid % of students receiving aid Average amount
Federal grants 74.0% $5,638
State/local grants 72.0% $2,010
Institutional grants 0.0% $0
Loans 0.0% $0

Other Estimated Costs


Not Available

Books & Supplies

$1,152 per year

Personal Expenses

Not Available

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Financial aid resources

Paying for Two-Year College and Trade School

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Applying for financial Aid

Review this step-by-step guide on everything you need to do to complete your application.

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Most Popular Undergraduate majors

  • Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
  • Humanities/Humanistic Studies
  • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Business Administration and Management, General
  • Psychology, General
Full List of Majors

Undergraduate Majors X

    • Biology/Biological Sciences, General
      • A general program of biology at the introductory, basic level or a program in biology or the biological sciences that is undifferentiated as to title or content. Includes instruction in general biology and programs covering a variety of biological specializations. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Business/Commerce, General
      • A program that focuses on the general study of business, including the processes of interchanging goods and services (buying, selling and producing), business organization, and accounting as used in profit-making and nonprofit public and private institutions and agencies. The programs may prepare individuals to apply business principles and techniques in various occupational settings. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Business Administration and Management, General
      • A program that generally prepares individuals to plan, organize, direct, and control the functions and processes of a firm or organization. Includes instruction in management theory, human resources management and behavior, accounting and other quantitative methods, purchasing and logistics, organization and production, marketing, and business decision-making. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping
      • A program that prepares individuals to provide technical administrative support to professional accountants and other financial management personnel. Includes instruction in posting transactions to accounts, record-keeping systems, accounting software operation, and general accounting principles and practices. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General
      • A program that generally prepares individuals to perform the duties of administrative assistants and/or secretaries and stenographers. Includes instruction in business communications, principles of business law, word processing and data entry, office machines operation and maintenance, office procedures, public relations, secretarial accounting, filing systems and records management, and report preparation. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Real Estate
      • A program that prepares individuals to develop, buy, sell, appraise, and manage real estate. Includes instruction in land use development policy, real estate law, real estate marketing procedures, agency management, brokerage, property inspection and appraisal, real estate investing, leased and rental properties, commercial real estate, and property management. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Information Technology
      • A program that focuses on the design of technological information systems, including computing systems, as solutions to business and research data and communications support needs. Includes instruction in the principles of computer hardware and software components, algorithms, databases, telecommunications, user tactics, application testing, and human interface design. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Computer Programming/Programmer, General
      • A program that focuses on the general writing and implementation of generic and customized programs to drive operating systems and that generally prepares individuals to apply the methods and procedures of software design and programming to software installation and maintenance. Includes instruction in software design, low- and high-level languages and program writing; program customization and linking; prototype testing; troubleshooting; and related aspects of operating systems and networks. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Biomedical Technology/Technician
      • A program that prepares individuals to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of engineers engaged in developing biological or medical systems and products. Includes instruction in instrument calibration, design and installation testing, system safety and maintenance procedures, procurement and installation procedures, and report preparation. See other colleges that offer this major
    • English Language and Literature, General
      • A general program that focuses on the English language, including its history, structure and related communications skills; and the literature and culture of English-speaking peoples. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General
      • A general program that focuses on the role of foods and nutrition in human health and wellness. Includes instruction in nutritional care and education, the planning and provision of food services, the development of consumable food products, life-span nutrition and wellness, the principles of nutritional assessment, and food safety and food composition. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Child Care Provider/Assistant
      • A program that prepares individuals to be primary providers of home, family, residential, or institutional-based child care services. Includes instruction in child growth and development, nutrition, recreation, planning and supervision of play and learning activities, child abuse and neglect prevention, parent-child relationships, and applicable legal and administrative requirements. See other colleges that offer this major
    • French Language and Literature
      • A program that focuses on the French language and related dialects and creoles. Includes instruction in philology; Metropolitan French; Canadian French; African and Caribbean Creoles; dialects; and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Spanish Language and Literature
      • A program that focuses on the Spanish language and related dialects. Includes instruction in philology; Modern Castillan; Latin American and regional Spanish dialects; and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
      • A program that generally prepares individuals in the knowledge, techniques and procedures for promoting health, providing care for sick, disabled, infirmed, or other individuals or groups. Includes instruction in the administration of medication and treatments, assisting a physician during treatments and examinations, Referring patients to physicians and other health care specialists, and planning education for health maintenance. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
    • History, General
      • A program that focuses on the general study and interpretation of the past, including the gathering, recording, synthesizing and criticizing of evidence and theories about past events. Includes instruction in historiography; historical research methods; studies of specific periods, issues and cultures; and applications to areas such as historic preservation, public policy, and records administration. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Criminal Justice/Police Science
      • A program that prepares individuals to perform the duties of police and public security officers, including patrol and investigative activities, traffic control, crowd control and public relations, witness interviewing, evidence collection and management, basic crime prevention methods, weapon and equipment operation and maintenance, report preparation and other routine law enforcement responsibilities. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Fire Prevention and Safety Technology/Technician
      • A program focusing on the application of fire science and technology to problems of reducing fire risk, limiting loss, supervising substance removal, conducting safety inspections and investigations, and advising on matters of safety procedures and fire prevention policy. Includes instruction in fire behavior, fire simulation, structural risk assessment, materials analysis, detection and suppression systems, smoke management, supply and evacuation, public education, legal aspects of fire prevention, and related research and communications methods. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
      • A program that is a structured combination of the arts, biological and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities, emphasizing breadth of study. Includes instruction in independently designed, individualized, or regular programs. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Humanities/Humanistic Studies
      • A program that focuses on combined studies and research in the humanities subjects as distinguished from the social and physical sciences, emphasizing languages, literatures, art, music, philosophy and religion. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Mathematics, General
      • A general program that focuses on the analysis of quantities, magnitudes, forms, and their relationships, using symbolic logic and language. Includes instruction in algebra, calculus, functional analysis, geometry, number theory, logic, topology and other mathematical specializations. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Biological and Physical Sciences
      • A program that is either a general synthesis of one or more of the biological and physical sciences, or a specialization which draws from the biological and physical sciences. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General
      • A general program that focuses on activities and principles that promote physical fitness, achieve and maintain athletic prowess, and accomplish related research and service goals. Includes instruction in human movement studies, motivation studies, rules and practice of specific sports, exercise and fitness principles and techniques, basic athletic injury prevention and treatment, and organizing and leading fitness and sports programs. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Philosophy
      • A program that focuses on ideas and their logical structure, including arguments and investigations about abstract and real phenomena. Includes instruction in logic, ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, metaphysics, symbolism, and history of philosophy, and applications to the theoretical foundations and methods of other disciplines. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Chemistry, General
      • A general program that focuses on the scientific study of the composition and behavior of matter, including its micro- and macro-structure, the processes of chemical change, and the theoretical description and laboratory simulation of these phenomena. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Physics, General
      • A general program that focuses on the scientific study of matter and energy, and the formulation and testing of the laws governing the behavior of the matter-energy continuum. Includes instruction in classical and modern physics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, mechanics, wave properties, nuclear processes, relativity and quantum theory, quantitative methods, and laboratory methods. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Psychology, General
      • A general program that focuses on the scientific study of individual and collective behavior, the physical and environmental bases of behavior, and the analysis and treatment of behavior problems and disorders. Includes instruction in the principles of the various subfields of psychology, research methods, and psychological assessment and testing methods. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Psychology, Other
    • Anthropology, General
      • A program that focuses on the systematic study of human beings, their antecedents and related primates, and their cultural behavior and institutions, in comparative perspective. Includes instruction in biological/physical anthropology, primatology, human paleontology and prehistoric archeology, hominid evolution, anthropological linguistics, ethnography, ethnology, ethnohistory, socio-cultural anthropology, psychological anthropology, research methods, and applications to areas such as medicine, forensic pathology, museum studies, and international affairs. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Economics, General
      • A general program that focuses on the systematic study of the production, conservation and allocation of resources in conditions of scarcity, together with the organizational frameworks related to these processes. Includes instruction in economic theory, micro- and macroeconomics, comparative economic systems, money and banking systems, international economics, quantitative analytical methods, and applications to specific industries and public policy issues. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Political Science and Government, General
      • A general program that focuses on the systematic study of political institutions and behavior. Includes instruction in political philosophy, political theory, comparative government and politics, political parties and interest groups, public opinion, political research methods, studies of the government and politics of specific countries, and studies of specific political institutions and processes. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Sociology, General
      • A program that focuses on the systematic study of human social institutions and social relationships. Includes instruction in social theory, sociological research methods, social organization and structure, social stratification and hierarchies, dynamics of social change, family structures, social deviance and control, and applications to the study of specific social groups, social institutions, and social problems. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Art/Art Studies, General
      • A general program that focuses on the introductory study and appreciation of the visual arts. Includes instruction in art, photography, and other visual communications media. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Art History, Criticism and Conservation
      • A program that focuses on the study of the historical development of art as social and intellectual phenomenon, the analysis of works of art, and art conservation. Includes instruction in the theory of art, art history research methods, connoisseurship, the preservation and conservation of works of art, and the study of specific periods, cultures, styles, and themes. See other colleges that offer this major
    • Music, General
      • A general program that focuses on the introductory study and appreciation of music and the performing arts. Includes instruction in music, dance, and other performing arts media. See other colleges that offer this major
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Application Fee

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Student Life

Student Demographics

Female Students
Male Students

Student Ethnicities
  1. Hispanic/Latino61.85%
  2. Asian10.55%
  3. Caucasian10.36%
  4. Black10.2%
  5. Two Or More Ethnicities3.99%
  6. Not Specified2.37%
  7. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.6%
  8. American Indian/Alaska Native0.08%

Student body breakdown

Total students enrolled


Undergraduate students


Full Time Students
Part Time Students

Student services

  • Meal plan
  • Counseling services
  • Remedial services
  • Work-study
  • Placement services
  • Study abroad
  • Weekend/evening classes
  • On-campus day care for student's children

Top five largest sports teams

Male sports:
  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
Female sports:
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
Full List of Athletics

Full List of Athletics X

    • Male

    • Football
    • Soccer
    • Baseball
    • Basketball
    • Cross Country
    • Female

    • Soccer
    • Softball
    • Volleyball
    • Basketball
    • Cross Country
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